Information about the sueding machine

Sueding can be considered a variant of raising. It gives the textile a velvety character. Web guiding keeps the web in the correct position. Our metal detectors protect the wound sueding rollers here. These rollers are not as expensive as shearing blades or raising coatings, however damage to a sueding roller requires an immediate stop and replacement. This means second quality, loss of production and therefore unnecessary costs. The wider the web is, the more appropriate it is to use a segmented metal detector. This device indicates to the operator any metal particles within a range of 300 mm.

Systems and products for sueding machines

Web guiding and spreading system ELSMART SWA95

Precise web guiding for woven and knitted fabrics in dry and damp operation at a machine speed of up to 130 m/min with pneumatic actuating drive

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Web guider KF 2060

Web guider with optoelectronic edge detection and electric operation

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Web guider KF 2020

Web guider with mechanical edge detection and pneumatic operation

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Web guider KF 2040

Web guider with mechanical edge detection and electric operation

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Flange load cell, steel PD 21/22

High flexibility thanks to different shaft diameters ranging from 12 to 65 mm and nominal measuring forces ranging from 0.05 to 10 kN

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Flange load cell, aluminum PD 25/26

Cost-effective flange load cell made of aluminum with an anodized surface

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Metal detection system ELMETA MDA10

Reliable, accurate detection of spherical metal particles with segmented LED signal display

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Metal detection system ELMETA MDS50

Reliable detection of spherical metal particles with integrated control panel with luminous LED strip

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